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Water Decoloring Agent



A water decoloring agent is a quaternary cationic polymer specialized for decoloring, flocculating, decreasing COD (chemical oxygen demand), and other applications.


Items Index
Appearance Colorless to light-yellow viscose liquid
Solubility Soluble easily in water
Effective content 50±1%
pH 3.0~5.5
Viscosity (25℃) 50~250 cps
Ionicity Cationic


1. Water decoloring agent is mainly used for color removal treatment for high-coloring wastewater from dyestuffs plants. It is suitable to treat wastewater with activated, acidic, and dispersed dyestuffs.

2. Water decoloring agents can also be used to treat wastewater from the textile and dye houses, pigment, printing ink, and paper industries.

3. Water decoloring agent also can be used in the production process of paper&pulp as a retention agent.


The water decoloring agent should be diluted with 10~40 times water and dosed directly into the wastewater. After being mixed for several minutes, it can be precipitated or air-floated to become clear water; The pH value of the wastewater should be adjusted to 7~10 for better results.

When the color and COD are relatively high, Water Decoloring Agent can be used with the help of poly aluminum chloride but not mixed together. In this way, the treatment cost can be lowered.

Packing and storage:

Packed in 200kg/plastic drum or 1000kg/IBC drum.

Stored in cool (4~30℃) to avoid freezing and heat. We certify that Water Decoloring Agent in correct storage will meet sales specifications for 12 months from the date of manufacture.


Water Decoloring Agent; cationic macromolecule polymer of ammonium type; decolor processing agent.

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